Kids in need of help

What does class/standard mean?

Naomi M.

Naomi M.

Naomi is one of four siblings in the Mollel family, where life has presented more than its fair share of trials. Her father, Mr. Mollel, lives with a disability that has placed additional responsibilities on the shoulders of his children.

Tragically, Naomi’s mother passed away years ago. Despite these hardships, Naomi is determined to become a successful businesswoman.

Naomi’s journey came to our attention through her older sister, Lea, who is currently pursuing higher education at university, thanks to the support of TZEP.

Recognizing the potential in Naomi and her siblings, TZEP has extended its support to ensure that Naomi, along with her sister Lea and another sibling, Tumaini, have access to education. As Naomi prepares to enter Standard IV next year, we are reminded of the transformative power of education and the difference it can make in a young person’s life.

We would be honoured if you would help us make her dreams a reality.

Abduli M.

Abduli M.

Abduli is the youngest of eight siblings in the Msabaha family. His father left the family during his mother’s pregnancy. Despite this challenge, Abduli’s mother has remained an unwavering source of love for her children. Our journey with Abduli began through his older brother, Mirambo, who found himself seeking sustenance on the streets.

Recognizing the potential in these young lives, our organization stepped in to provide both Abduli and Mirambo with the opportunity for a quality education—a chance to break the cycle of poverty. While Mirambo struggled to adapt to school life, Abduli embraced the opportunity wholeheartedly.

With a voracious appetite for learning, Abduli has excelled in his studies and is currently preparing to enter Class V next year. Abduli’s dream is to become a doctor, a vision fueled by his desire to make a positive impact on his community and the world at large. His academic journey is a testament to what can be achieved when a child is given the chance to pursue their dreams.

We invite you to join us in nurturing Abduli’s potential and helping him achieve his dream of donning the white coat one day.